Panel discussion on art-science collaborations
On Wednesday 4 May, 5pm CEST, find out more about the collaborative research of artist Janet Biggs, mathematician Agnieszka Międlar, physicist Daniel Tapia Takaki, and about Arts at CERN’s programmes with Mónica Bello
Each art-science collaboration has its own disciplinary makeup, objectives, and working methods. At the same time, these collaborations are embedded in ecologies of professional relationships, funding, and institutional structures. The platform Ground Works at Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) presents a 75-minute panel discussion exploring art-science experiences at both their team and institutional levels.
What do artists and scientists hope to get out of their shared research? What are their working methods and their outcomes? Artist Janet Biggs, mathematician Agnieszka Międlar, and ALICE Experiment physicist Daniel Tapia Takaki will discuss their ongoing collaborative research project. The Integrated Arts Research Initiative team uses time-based media to explore questions in high energy physics and applies novel mathematical techniques to the production of video and performance.
What does institutional support enable, and what does it restrict? What are the mechanisms of support for artists at KU and CERN? Head of Arts at CERN Mónica Bello will present this collaboration between Arts at CERN and the Integrated Arts Research Initiative (IARI) of the Spencer Museum at the University of Kansas.
Register here 4, May 2022 5pm CEST/ 4pm BST/ 11am EDT/ 10am CDT/ 9am MDT/ 8am PDT
Mónica Bello, Head of Arts at CERN, artist Janet Biggs, mathematician Agnieszka Międlar, Joey Orr, Curator for Research at the University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art (Moderator), and physicist Daniel Tapia Takaki.